Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jessie Quinn

"I am based in the south west of England, in the city of Bristol.I graduated in Fine Art, painting from Glasgow School of Art, then spent the next 10 years bringing up my three children, and despite this being a very very full time job I was determined to squeeze some creative time in (usually when everyone is in bed!)These stolen hours allowed me to explore knitting and sewing, both taught to me as a child by my very talented mum and along with endless drawings and sketches I was soon churning out ideas."
Artist's blog

The Knitting Queen

A red head, a rabbit & a floating fairy
Little Red Riding Hood
Textile art card

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A self taught illustrator from Hobart, Australia (currently living in Melbourne). Works with fine ink drawing, graffiti, commissioned murals and soft sculpture.
main website

Raising Deer Forest

Lapin Voyage

Ce N'est Pas Lapin We're Looking For

A Gathering - boba Fett Invited

Catrabbit Doll

Wolvien Shadow

Skeleton Keys

Trumpet Bookmark mural


Foxes lomo