Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Camilla D'Errico

A Canadian artist based out of Vancouver. She is a painter and comic book illustrator. She is among the group of female artists including Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol, Sarah Joncas, and Stella-im-Hultberg, who paint females as their subjects (you can find their profiles on my blog).
Camilla D'Errico - kanadyjska malarka, graficzka, autorka ilustracji do komiksów. Należy do grupy artystek takich jak Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol, Sarah Joncas, and Stella-im-Hultberg, dla których głównym tematem twórczosci są kobiety.
Camilla's website .
Really cool online store

Mouse Cigar

Fur Carnivale



Fruit Fuzz


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