Thursday, May 8, 2008

Edwin Ushiro

Born on Maui (Hawaii), moved to California where he attended the Art Center College of Design. His work became some kind of a documentation of his life. Each piece of art has always a very detailed discription about its origin (i love reading these!). There is a lot of memories from his childhood in Hawaii in his paintings. It makes them beautiful, mysterious and sometimes a little spooky. Just like in a child's inner world.
Edwin Ushiro - urodzony na Maui (Hawaje), obecnie mieszka w Kalifornii, gdzie ukończyl studiowal w Art Center College of Design. Sztuka, którą tworzy Ushiro stała się do pewnego stopnia dokumentacją jego życia. Każdy obraz/ilustracja ma zawsze bardzo szczegółowy opis a tematyka oscyluje w dużym stopniu wokól wspomnień z jego dzieciństwa na Hawajach. Jest pięknie, tajemniczo i czasem trochę strasznawo.Tak jak w świecie dziecka.
Project:Gallery will held his first solo exhibition starting july 12th.

Realizing the Perfect Day was just a Dream

Riding Summer without Skipping a Beat

Shelter under Twinkling Leaves

Kappa Qee

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