Saturday, August 23, 2008

Glenn Arthur

Another great artist from California ( currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada). Bold, emotional, beautiful art!!
'My work is a way for me to push the emotional boundaries and break the taboos and censorships of our so called modern society.'
'I have made a decision for myself that I will not be showing any artwork publicly in 2008. I also won’t be taking on any commissioned work. I am setting aside this entire year to focus on my goals as an aspiring artist and using the time to create as much work as I possibly can to build a strong portfolio.
However, I do plan on launching a website in early 2009 where prints and other items will be available to purchase. I also plan to start showing my work publicly again around that time. Until then I will of course be sharing my new works and projects here on MySpace to keep everyone posted on what I’m up to.'

Glenn Arthur - artysta pochodzący z Kalifornii, obecnie mieszkający w Las Vegas, Nevada.
Do tej pory uważałam, że jedna łza spływająca po policzku może kojarzyć się jedynie z totalnym kiczem. Glenn Arthur stosuje ten efekt w każdym obrazie i uzyskuje niesamowite nagromadzenie emocji. I na dodatek tworzy bez uzycia technik komputerowych.

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